
Why is Pakt the Perfect Solution for AMRs and Goods to Person?

Benefits of RDS Tier 1 WES-WCS Order Fulfillment Suite

Analyzing Data | Warehouse Automation Design Study

How do you create a successful warehouse automation project plan that will deliver on expected performance improvements? Matt Cameron, senior solutions engineer for Numina Group, describes the in-depth data-driven approach he and his team follow to benchmark your current operations and create a warehouse automation design plan tailored to your specific operations. It’s a proven… Continue reading Analyzing Data | Warehouse Automation Design Study

Warehouse Automation Design for Perfect Order Practices

Victory Voice Provides Step by Step Guidance

Victory Voice provides workers with step-by-step instructions so that new and temporary workers are productive in less than 15 minutes.

Warehouse Automation Solutions backed by Data Driven Design

Numina Group takes a data-driven design approach to uncover the perfect blend of software, process improvements, and automation for your unique business. Stop by Promat booth S3718 to talk automation with our experts.

You’ve Increased your picking productivity, now what?

Optimizing your warehouse may have started with picking, but it doesn’t end there. To unlock true optimization, close the loop with Pakt™, pack and ship automation.

UFC Announcer Bruce Buffer Introduces Pakt – Pack Automation Simplified

The Pakt™ solution is purpose-built for warehouses that depend on people performing manual packing, manifesting, and shipping tasks.    Pakt is designed with scale in mind – it is modularly built with:   in-line conveyor weight and vision quality checking   automated insertion of pack slip documentation   carton scanning, weighing, & dimensioning   auto-manifesting   auto print and apply labeling  … Continue reading UFC Announcer Bruce Buffer Introduces Pakt – Pack Automation Simplified

Direct to Consumer Home School Supplier Boosts Productivity, Reduces Labor with Warehouse Automation

Numina conducted a warehouse engineering design study and created a plan to automate the pick, pack, and ship process.

Customer Perspective: Top RDS Screens

The warehouse operation manager at Rainbow Resource Center highlights the top modules and screens that he uses in RDS warehouse execution software platform on a daily basis to mange the operation. RDS Warehouse Execution Software (WES) software platform bridges the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and warehouse management system (WMS) software layer gap by optimizing… Continue reading Customer Perspective: Top RDS Screens

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