
Manual Pack and Ship is Costing You More than You Know

Meet Pakt™, the cost-saving turnkey automation solution for pack-and-ship operations, one of the most labor-intensive and costly areas of the warehouse.

Numina’s Pakt solution offers a 5X increase in warehouse productivity and dramatically reduces labor costs by automating the final 100’ of a DC’s order fulfillment operation. Pakt streamlines labor by automating manual order packing and manifesting tasks such as tote-based picking, keying, packing, document insertion, weighing, and manually applying ship labels.

With Pakt, you can reduce labor costs by $350K per shift for every 10 manual workers in your order fulfillment pack and ship operations. These labor savings yield a 12-to-18-month return on investment (ROI) for single-shift operations and a 6-to-9-month ROI for two-shift operations. Pakt is most cost-effective for warehouse operations shipping 2,000+ pre-packed cartons and full-case parcels daily.

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